Committee Notes for the week of 2/7/22

I'll start out this week's update with some congratulations for some retiring members of our public safety departments. Congratulations to both Captain Mueller of AFD and Sgt. Iversen at APD. Best wishes on your next adventures! 

Captain Mike Mueller retired this week from Appleton Fire Department

Sgt. Tony Iversen retired this week from the Appleton Police Department

Municipal Services Committee

Monday 4:30 p.m. - There are a couple of interesting items on the agenda for this week for the Municipal Services Committee. We start with a request to recommend approval for a 2nd year pilot program with Bird Rides Inc. for scooters. Last year's pilot program was deemed a success with more than 25,000 trips and more than 32,000 miles ridden with the scooters. This year as a 2nd trial run, the plan is to add more of them to the north and south sides of the city, with some additional changes. Those include slowing the top speed from 15 mph to 12 mph on College Avenue downtown, as well as paying the city $0.10/ride to recoup administrative costs. 

A flyer that Appleton Public Works will be distributing to educate residents about services changes

We'll also get an information update on educational efforts, shown above, that DPW will be using to educate residents on some service changes that were approved last year. You can recap those here

Finance Committee

Monday 5:30 p.m. - The main item on the agenda for the Finance Committee is taking up a resolution for technology upgrades. It's worth noting that Mayor Woodford has included a memo on this item which you can read by downloading the agenda. As the memo notes, the resolution attempts to circumvent the normal process of allocating fund balances. This resolution is an attempt to take already council approved funding for a branding process and reallocate it to this resolution to do a new city website, add more funding for enhanced crosswalks and money for computer upgrades for staff. 

As I spoke about at committee before, the resolution was hastily introduced on the same night the council found out the firm recommended for doing the branding, pulled out of consideration. As I also noted, the authors of this resolution did not follow the normal practice of discussing the resolution with staff before introducing it. It's such an important step that its is even noted in our council handbook. As noted in the memo and as I mentioned at committee after reaching out to staff myself, there are several reasons this resolution is not needed. The website should really be done following the branding project, the enhanced crosswalk program requires staff and council review before more crosswalks can be added, and the computer replacement program needs to be looked at along with the entire city network. This latter item is something our new IT Director needs time to review. 

The mayor is recommending the resolution be held until June. But given the information in the memo that notes none of these recommendations need a resolution to do anyway, I think the better course of action is for the Finance Committee to recommend denial on this resolution and the full council to vote it down, giving staff the time and ability to do the work they are hired to do without additional direction from council at this time. 

Parks and Recreation Committee

Monday 6:30 p.m. - While there are no action items on the agenda for the committee, there are several annual reports to be discussed from Reid Golf Course, the Recreation Division and the Facilities Management Division. Check them out as they give great insight into the operations of these divisions and to the variety of programs and services they offer!

Utilities Committee 

Tuesday 5 p.m. - The Utilities Committee has a request for a water credit adjustment for a property owner and two contracts to approve. One that I have a few questions about is related to the lead pipe replacement program the council authorized last year. The council approved using $1 million in ARPA funds to help residents with a lead service line get it replaced or to do so at their own expense within one year of notification. 

The contract is to work with a company to create information pamphlets and notifications for residents. Staff are already doing notification to residents with lead service lines, so I have a few questions related to the need for some of the scope of this project. 

City Plan Commission 

Wednesday 3:30 p.m. - The commission will take up comprehensive plan and zoning changes for the Maritime Bar which is looking to expand and add a parking lot and outdoor patio area.

Community & Economic Development Committee

Wednesday 4:30 p.m. - Among the items for the CEDC is to recommend approval of shifting unused Community Development Block Grant funding from Appleton Housing Authority to Rebuilding Together Fox Cities. 

The committee will also take up two property sales in the Northeast Industrial Park. The committee may go into closed session to discuss these sales. 

Lastly, the committee will get an informational update on ARPA grants. 

Get In Touch

I am always available to answer questions at or (920) 419-1360. As always, agendas can be found on the agenda and meetings page of the city website. Meetings can be viewed live on the website or watched at a later date. Meetings are also open for anyone to attend in person and all meetings take place in the Common Council chambers on the 6th floor of City Hall, unless otherwise noted. 
