Common Council notes for the week of 11/29/21

Hello again neighbors! 

Apologies that it's been a few weeks since I've posted an update on our council activities. I suffered a broken hand in a softball game and couldn't write or type for several weeks. Then my free time was dedicated to the city budget process. With that all behind us now though, I'm back at sharing updates once again.

This week is a council meeting week, so there is only one other meeting on the schedule. 

Public Arts Committee

Wednesday 8:30 a.m. - The committee is set to approve an action it has spent the past several meetings discussing. The board had been debating the process for selecting new photos for the tower in Houdini Plaza and then, which photos to install in them. It has chosen a series of professional photos taken at the Rhythms of the World event. From the 18 selected, the committee will chose 12 and two alternates for the final display.

Common Council

Wednesday 7 p.m. - Coming off a holiday week, there were very few committee meetings to bring action forward to the Common Council for approval this week. There is a public hearing for a rezoning of some land along Spartan Dr. and awarding of contracts for lighting upgrades at the Green Parking Ramp and the Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Spring Election Notice

December 1, marks the date that residents can start collecting signatures to get on the ballot for spring 2022 elections. For the Appleton Common Council, the even numbered seats will be on the ballot in April. That includes several open seats with current council members choosing not to run for re-election in districts 4, 8 and 14.

For information on how to run and what the requirements are, visit the elections page of the City's Clerk's office portion of the city website. I'm also happy to talk to anyone considering running for local office.

Get In Touch

I am always available to answer questions at or (920) 419-1360. As always, agendas can be found on the agenda and meetings page of the city website. Meetings can be viewed live on the website or watched at a later date. Meetings are also open for anyone to attend in person and all meetings take place in the Common Council chambers on the 6th floor of City Hall, unless otherwise noted. 
